Project Description

“Jadeite Cabbage”, the fantastic representation of a cabbage crafted out of jade, the most famous object in Taiwan’s National Palace Museum, was on display at the Taichung World Flora Expo. The display was enhanced by integrating virtual reality with reality. The concept was described as “Lingering Fragrance on Horse Hooves after a Flowery Outing“. The main image illustrated the atmosphere of spring with the clattering of horses’ hooves, the fragrance of flowers and images of butterflies dancing. The venue consisted of light carving technology, immersive experience and interactive multimedia design to create a brand-new audio and visual experience for visitors. The use of horse hooves, flowers and butterflies, allowed people to re-visit the sensory effect of natural symbiosis, and step into the most authentic sensory world, and enjoy the spring feast of the National Palace Museum’s New Media Art.